
Guest Speaker

Need a speaker? Let us do the talking for you!

Linemen presenting using tools and electricity in front of large group of children outside.If your group or organization is looking for a program to fill your agenda, don’t overlook Gulf Coast Electric Cooperative. We offer the expertise of our employees who will be glad to present a program to any civic club or community organization. Co-op employees are available to cover a wide range of topics including how electric rates are designed, electrical safety, reducing your electric bill, safety hazards, or even environmental topics.

For more information, please contact our marketing and member services department at (850) 265-3631 or submit our contact us form.

Safety City

Linemen showing young children the tools they use.Today, we use electricity in places the early “power pioneers” never imagined. Whether at home, work, or school, students are exposed to the many benefits – and potential dangers – of electrical power.

Safety City is a program presented by personnel from Gulf Coast Electric that teaches students about electricity, energy preservation, and electrical safety. Students will better understand how electricity provides an improved way of life and the dangers of electricity when not used properly.

The program can be designed for almost all age groups in school. Cooperative personnel can tailor the program to meet any teacher’s electricity curriculum. However, most teachers use this program to work in conjunction with their science class and as a hands-on learning exercise as they teach children the difference between conductors, insulators, and electricity. Some teachers use this program to inform children about the hazards associated with electricity.

Should you be interested in having Gulf Coast come to your school for a presentation, please contact the marketing and member services department at (850) 265-3631 or submit our contact us form.

Van De Graaff Generator

Woman showing young children a presentation, with the Van de Graaff generator behind them.The Van de Graaff generator is best known as “the thing that makes your hair stand up.” The “thing” looks like a big, aluminum ball mounted on a pedestal.

Students are attracted to the Van de Graaff generator because of its effect when used, but through literal, hands-on experience, students can learn about static electricity. Furthermore, as students learn about static electricity, they learn about atoms, the atomic nucleus, electrons, neutrons, and protons.

American physicist Robert Jemison Van de Graaff invented the Van de Graaff generator in 1931. Although Van de Graaff invented the special generator for supplying high energy for early particle accelerators, most students are interested mostly in the generator’s effects. (The history of the Van de Graaff generator can be incorporated into the generator lesson, as requested by the teacher.)

Should you be interested in this program please contact our marketing and member services department at (850) 265-3631 or submit our contact us form.