President’s Message – January 2024

Jimmy Black

We All Have a Role in Achieving Energy Efficiency

“Energy efficient” is a phrase we often see on product labels or advertisements, but being more energy efficient is something we all can do to manage use and keep costs low.

How Your Cooperative Keeps Energy Costs Low.

Looking for the most efficient way to power your home or business is part of what we do daily at Gulf Coast Electric Cooperative. To keep your energy rates low, we examine a variety of wholesale generation resources to serve our members, and we look far ahead to ensure members will have the reliable, low-cost energy they need for the future. This means contracting for long-term power purchases and buying power from the market to meet members’ energy needs at the lowest cost possible. We also provide members with information and materials to guide them on steps to maximize energy efficiency.

Cooperatives also provide members with resources such as rebates. Members can take advantage of programs such as these to achieve greater energy efficiency and savings. Contact GCEC today to find out more about the programs available to you.

What You Can Do.

As a member, you have control over improving the energy efficiency of your home or business. Taking a few easy steps allows you to carry out daily routines while consuming less energy. Here are a few tips to increase efficiency and reduce your monthly electricity cost:

  • Switch to LED lightbulbs and modern Energy-Star-rated appliances—they use less energy to provide light or complete a task. LED bulbs save you money and last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs.
  • If you are building or renovating, the construction phase is a great opportunity to maximize insulation in walls, install energy-efficient windows, and use modern building materials that can save energy and money.
  • Our summers are long and hot, so small decisions such as a lighter roofing color can improve your energy efficiency.
  • According to the IRS, if you make qualified energy-efficient improvements to your home, you can qualify for a tax credit of up to $3,200. This includes such improvements as replacing exterior doors, windows and skylights or upgrading insulation. This program is available through the year 2032. Find out more at
  • Improve your power management. Whether it’s a computer set to go to sleep after a period of time or using programmable thermostats to control your HVAC, managing your power use is critical to lowering energy use. The emergence of smart devices allows homeowners even greater control, such as lights that can be turned off from anywhere using a smartphone.
  • Nothing can save you more than choosing an energy-efficient heat pump. A heat pump saves money, and some providers offer rebates or discounts.

Find out more about improving your home’s energy efficiency at the Energy website.